Municipality of Joncels.
Le mot du maire


It is the Municipal Council elected in March 2020 which wanted the creation of an Internet site in order to become modern and better know the town of Joncels.
As Mayor I approve this decision, thinking that it will contribute to
enrich the identity and notoriety of the Municipality.
We do not pretend, on this site, to draw up an exhaustive inventory of all that we can offer or propose, both to Joncellois and to people interested in our Municipality. Our only ambition is to get closer to them.
A first part is intended for municipal information: the composition of the Municipal council, the deliberations, the decisions of the Mayor, the projects under study, the reports of the councils, the public services …….
A second part is reserved for the history of our Saint Pierre abbey with its links, its heritage and its customs. There is no doubt that anyone looking for authenticity could find an answer to their questions or their curiosity.
And then Joncels, an ancient medieval village which, behind its ramparts, retains its medieval and picturesque streets, deserves a "step by step" visit. Let's not forget that Joncels, on the GR 653, has always been a stopover on the road to Saint Jacques de Compostela.
The Municipality, with its 4600 hectares of nature, crossed by numerous streams, includes a few farms and hamlets to discover for their particularities, the quality of life and the well-being shared by its 310 inhabitants.
In addition to this, you need to know more about it.
Welcome to the website of the Municipality of Joncels.
