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Municipal road:

Patrick Blanc - Jean Claude Lugagne - Guy Carles

Water and sanitation:

Virginie Albert - Patrick Blanc - Jean Claude Lugagne

Tourism - Heritage - Agriculture:

Ghislaine Dhuime - Patrick Blanc - Johanna Gronenberg

Municipal maintenance - Staff - Social:

Ghislaine Dhuime - Johanna Gronenberg - Eliane Perez - Virginie Albert

Communal buildings:

Jean François Courtes - Guy Courtes- Johanna Gronenberg


Regine Duale - Eliane Perez - Jean François Courtes

School supplies :
Virginie Albert - Eliane Perez

Sivom Childhood and Youth:
Jean François Courtes - Guy Courtes.

Substitutes: Ghislaine Dhuime - Johanna Gronenberg

Haut Languedoc Regional Park Mare et Orb sector:
Virginie Albert - Régine Duale - Johanna Gronenberg - Guy Courtes

Johanna gronenberg

Orb and Libron:

Lugagne Jean Claude - Virginie Albert


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